Biodiversity Blair Bioblitz 2024

A chance to record all local species to help further biodiversity

Please book activities on this page - read the full details of each event below or download the form here.

Activity Location Start End
Friday 21st June 2024
Why Not Scotland – a showing of the film. Follow Flo Blackbourn as she discovers rewilding projects across Europe leading to the question – why not here? There will be opportunity to debate the issues after the showing. St Catharine’s Hall. Film lasts 1 hour and will start promptly at 8. Debate for up to 40 minutes after (prior to our bat walk) 8pm
Bat walk – following on from the film, why not join our bat walk to identify species along the riverside Riverside Carpark 9.50pm 11pm
Saturday 22nd June 2024
Dawn Chorus and what’s up early – join us listening to wildlife at first light. Coffee & croissants included! Meet Union Street. The Merlin bird app is a good download. 4.15am
Alan Stewart, a wildlife detective for Perthshire constabulary for many years, and author of a number of books, will be delivering two presentations – try to make one (if not both – they will each have a different focus) St Catharine’s Hall
‘A wealth of Wildlife’
Guided Exploration – to identify plants, bugs, birds and animals. 20 minutes each exploration. Wellmeadow 10am
A Walk on the Wildside with Amandla and Rejane wild edges of the riverside path. Learn how to Identify 10 edible, and medicinal trees, flowers, and plants, along with their etymology, folklore, and how best to prepare/use them. Please wear sturdy shoes. From the Wellmeadow. Please try to book in advance. 10am
Bumblebee identification walk and survey. Spot some of the 20 Scottish bumblebee species Leaving Wellmeadow (easy stroll). Please try to book in advance. 11.30am
Scottish Beavers – a talk and presentation by Jean Oudney. Learn more about these wonderful reintroduced mammals. St Catharine’s Hall 11.30am
Worm Charming Competition – teams of two needed (a charmer and a picker) to entice as many worms (no digging, no chemicals/vinegar) out of a marked area of ground. Singing, tap-dancing, fork-twanging and silly bird costumes all encouraged to get those worms out. Wellmeadow 12.30pm
Walk with a focus on the lens – join Mike Jones on a hunt for a good wildlife photograph. Make sure you bring a camera. Leaving Wellmeadow. Please try to book in advance. 1pm
Guided Exploration – to identify plants, bugs, birds and animals. 20 minutes each exploration. Wellmeadow 1.30pm
Red Squirrel preservation and survival – some practical tips to encourage our native squirrel. St Catharine’s Hall 1.30pm
Bird Ramble (put your walking boots on) with George Donald, a local enthusiast who will help you spot and identify different species. Leaving Wellmeadow. This will be an all-afternoon ramble but you can leave earlier if you wish. 2pm
Alan Stewart, a wildlife detective for Perthshire constabulary for many years, and author of a number of books, will be delivering two presentations – try to make one (if not both – they will each have a different focus) St Catharine’s Hall
‘Wildlife Detective’

Everything is free, but you can help us out by signing up in advance so we get an idea of numbers. You can do this by completing the form below or printing a copy here and filling it in (if more than one person coming, please put in number likely to attend) and hand it in at the BARI building (make sure you fill in your name and contact details at the bottom)  – but remember, you can just turn up on the day as well.

As well as all that, there will be mini-exploration tasks for children (supervision required) and a variety of stalls on the Wellmeadow. Join youngsters on the Wellmeadow making bird food and view their poems, songs, pictures and stories about biodiversity in the library (open from 9.30am to 1pm). Plus, we’d love everyone to survey their own areas/gardens – grab a survey sheet and help us record every local plant or animal species.

Please email if you would like to find out more about our activities or if you would like to help.

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