Blairgowrie Rangers

For all girls aged between 14-18 years old. Part of Girlguiding Blairgowrie and Rattray District. We help all girls know they can do anything

Updated: 09:48 Wednesday 31 May - information changes regularly so do check with the group direct.
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Blairgowrie Rangers

Main Contact: Lisa Hilditch

Meeting Time/Location: Tuesdays 7.30-9pm

Blairgowrie Rangers

Open to all girls aged 14-18 years; this seciton of Girlguiding offers girls the opportunity to really plan and be incharge of themselves.  Planning, orgainsing and taking part in a variety of adventures, crafts, outdoor cooking, camping and international opportunities.  The sky really is the limit as we help all girls know they can achieve anything.



For all girls aged between 14-18 years old.  Part of Girlguiding Blairgowrie and Rattray District.

Meetings mainly held weekly during term time, with flexibilty around busy times such as exams.

Join us for fun, friendship and adventures.


To register go to Rangers (14-18) | Girlguiding


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