
We are an independent organisation that gives older people something to look forward to.

Updated: 14:24 Friday 11 November - information changes regularly so do check with the group direct.
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Main Contact: Sarah McKean


You may have heard of Re-engage, or you may know nothing about what we do, we are a charity committed to reducing loneliness and isolation amongst the UK’s oldest old – 75 and over. With 100,000 older people in Scotland stating that they feel lonely all or most of the time and 200,000 going half a week or more without a visit or call from anyone, we are needed now more than ever.
We are an independent organisation that gives older people something to look forward to. We currently have a telephone befriending service (call companions) Find a call companion: phone befriending & companionship ( and we also offer a telephone befriending service specifically for older people from the LGBT+ community (rainbow call companions) offering weekly calls from volunteers who also identify from the community. We have in person social groups (monthly tea party gatherings) Tea Parties for Older People: Companionship & Friendship Clubs ( where older people can interact and socialise with volunteers and other older people. All of our services are free of charge.
Our volunteers work together to create better communities and help to enrich the lives of our members by giving them something to look forward to. Older people who may have felt very alone, now feel valued as individuals, continue to form friendships, and have groups that give support. We make sure that people know they are important well into old age. To help as many older people as possible we need more volunteers. Anyone interested in volunteering with us can sign up by following this link Volunteer to meet & help older people (


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