Blairgowrie Lifeplus Church

Phone: 01250 798 354

Updated: 15:58 Friday 29 December - information changes regularly so do check with the group direct.
This free listing is made possible by groups and businesses who pay for their listings - this listing has yet to be claimed .

Main Contact: Bonnie MacGregor

Meeting Time/Location: 11am on sundays

Blairgowrie Lifeplus Church

Regular Events:

Wednesday - Lifeplus Church, William Street at 2:00pm
Lifeplus games and crafts

Church contact phone - 01250 798354

AH contact - 01250 798529

Mobile - 07779466254

Services are 11.00 a.m. on a Sunday morning with a Sunday School service for children 12years and under. All workers are PVG registered


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