Mary's Meals Blairgowrie and District Support Group
Phone: 01250 872 512

Updated: 14:56 Wednesday 18 September - information changes regularly so do check with the group direct.
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Mary's Meals Blairgowrie and District Support Group

Main Contact: Lynne Fryer

Saturday 13th July 2024 - Coffee Morning in Blairgowrie Town Hall from 10am to 12 noon.

The morning raised £1,722.31 for Mary's Meals. A huge thank you to all those who helped on the day, those who donated baking, prizes and sale items and to all those who came and supported the event.

Pick Your Own Blueberries - we were lucky with two lovely afternoons and are very grateful to Thomas Thomson Blairgowrie, for the opportunity. Thank you to all who helped and picked. Overall we collected £445.67 for Mary's Meals.

Blairgowrie and Rattray Highland Games - we were offered the chance to have a stall at the Highland Games this year and made a large number of new friends for Mary's Meals and collected £124.30 Thank you to all who came to help "spread the word" and to the organisers of the Highland Games for the opportunity.


Next Fundraising Events

Annual Celidh - Friday 10th January 2025 in Blairgowrie Town Hall.

Charity Texas Scramble - Friday 9th May 2025 at Alyth Golf Course.


Have you got any old or left over foreign currency - or old UK Bank notes or coins? Mary's Meals can turn these into a donation through their partner Leftover Currency.

If you would like a talk about Mary's Meals for your group or club, please get in touch.

Further details about the Mary's Meals charity can be found on their website.


Mary's Meals is a charity which serves a nutritious meal to over 2.4 million children every school day in 17 countries across the world, in a place of education, giving them the chance to learn and thrive. The Blairgowrie and district support group welcomes anyone who would like to offer their time or skill to help those suffering extreme poverty. 


Texas Scramble

Mary's Meals Coffee Morning


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