Blairgowrie District Community Shed (Incorporating Strathmore Men's Shed)

Updated: 22:33 Tuesday 28 January - information changes regularly so do check with the group direct.
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Blairgowrie District Community Shed (Incorporating Strathmore Men's Shed)

Main Contact: TBC

Meeting Time/Location: Tuesdays from 6pm till 9pm.

Blairgowrie District Community Shed (Incorporating Strathmore Men's Shed)

Join Our Community Group: Seeking New Members and Collaborative Partnerships!

We are currently upgrading our premises at The Old Granary, Candlehouse Lane Coupar Angus PH13 9DD and hope to have this completed over the next few months.  As the group continues to grow, we will in the next month or so, be looking for new members—especially women over 18—who are passionate about connecting, learning, and supporting one another. If you're looking for a space to engage with like-minded individuals, share your experiences, or personal growth, we’d love to hear from you.

We pride ourselves on creating an inclusive, supportive environment where everyone can thrive. Whether you’re seeking friendship, collaboration, or a place to share your skills and talents, our community will be the perfect space to meet new people and make a difference.

Once the upgrading work to the premises is complete, we aim to open our doors to other community groups in need of a venue. If your group is looking for a flexible, affordable space to meet, host events, or run workshops, please get in touch so we can discuss your needs and keep you advised of our progress.  We believe that by working together and sharing resources, we can build a stronger, more connected community. 

Whether you’re interested in becoming a member or partnering with us to share our space, we believe in the power of collaboration and community-driven success. We’d love to hear from anyone over 18 who is eager to be part of something meaningful.

Join us and help us create a welcoming, dynamic community that makes an impact! 

Contacts for the ‘Shed’ are:

Secretary – Lindsay Watt -

Treasurer – Keith Langelaan –



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